Order Basic Fly Tying Supplies Today as we may experience restocking delays from July 29-August 12th.(details)
Our fly tying supply shipments will be delayed from July 29th until approximately Aug 12th. We will be shipping per normal, but some items might be delayed as we sell out and await our normal restocking. 


A marvelous flyfishing film: great characters & personalities, cinematography, music, a variety of freshwater & saltwater, & an adequate supply of what we all like to call fish porn. Aimed at showing all viewers „ from hardcore, 300-day-a-year guides, to people whoÍve never picked up a fly rod „ that flyfishing is a much deeper, more interesting, more varied, & a more fulfilling sport than theyÍve been led to believe by mainstream media. Filmed in Oregon, Bahamas, India, Belize, Montana, Utah & Colorado. 65 min.